Julian says that the value of PT-141 is that whereas viagra works on the body, this works by getting your emotions going:
You’ve been there yourself, after all: a third or fourth date, a late night of rich food, hard liquor, mildly exhausting erotic tension. Can you admit to yourself now, however hungrily you may have anticipated the evening’s scheduled consummation, that there was a part of you, when the moment arrived, that really would have rather been at home watching CSISo far, so good. But then we get into the tangle of corporate interest and material culture that can deaden even sex:
I see a lot of couples in my practice—lawyer couples, banker couples—who don’t know how to relax,” says Leonore Tiefer, a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. “That’s fine—it’s a big asset to them in their corporate lifestyle, where they can work 80 hours a week—but then I have to shut off two BlackBerrys in my office in order to keep the noise down. They’re trained to multitask. Well, it doesn’t seem that that is really doable when it comes to sex. And they’re angry about that: It should be doable. And they need it to be doable because they only have five minutes.”Is that really what we want? Given a wonder drug, are we going to turn it into mere efficiency?
I strongly suggest reading the entire article, if you have any interest in PT-141. It's the best introduction you're going to find, for now.
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Aicar , CJC 1295 with DAC
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